Great Quote: Bono

I’m not sure where Bono stands regarding Christ’s lordship over his life, but he offers great explanations regarding the faith:

“But I love the idea of the Sacrificial Lamb. I love the idea that God says: Look, you cretins, there are certain results to the way we are, to selfishness, and there’s a mortality as part of your very sinful nature, and, let’s face it, you’re not living a very good life, are you? There are consequences to actions. The point of the death of Christ is that Christ took on the sins of the world, so that what we put out did not come back to us, and that our sinful nature does not reap the obvious death. That’s the point. It should keep us humbled . It’s not our own good works that get us through the gates of heaven.” – Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas


  1. Aimee Whetstine on May 16, 2011 at 12:56 am

    the Gospel according to a rock star…I love it! it is by faith we are saved, not by works so that no one can boast. could be the next U2 hit song, but I won’t hold my breath. thanks for posting, Bill.