Meet The Skeptic

The popular field guide to faith conversations reached #1 on Amazon (Science & Religion category)

With Meet The Skeptic, Bill has created a new model for engaging people of other worldviews. Meet The Skeptic takes the multitude of objections and reduces them to four basic categories.

This is not a book about labeling people, but rather a system for identifying conversations.

By understanding these categories, you can more effectively clarify the skeptic’s worldview and share your own. Loaded with pop culture references, illustrations, and biblical support, Meet The Skeptic has tools to help you:

• Get to the Root Ideas of worldviews instead of pulling at the weeds

• Recognize the Red-Flag Words that prop up objections

• Ask probing questions and avoid using “churchisms”
…and more

Non-intimidating (144 pg.) yet substantive enough to handle philosophical arguments on a popular level. Ideal for individuals or groups of:
•    Adults wanting to become more informed believers
•    College students engaging competing worldviews
•    High school students entering the marketplace of ideas

Purchase Meet The Skeptic (Book)

Purchase Meet The Skeptic (Workbook)

Purchase Meet The Skeptic (Leader Guide)

© 2024 Bill Foster | HigherWerks, Inc.
No content on this site, written or illustrated, may be reproduced without permission.