Speaking Topics

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Have you ever tried to memorize a bunch of answers for your skeptical friends only to have them brush aside your responses by ...more

How do we know when the Bible is speaking figuratively or non-figuratively? What does it mean to read the Bible "literally" and are ...more

One of the first biblical targets for a skeptic are God’s enigmatic commands in the Old Testament. Is God cruel and malicious? ...more

The discussion surrounding our origins is usually framed as “faith vs. science” as if each is independent of the other. Science is ...more

Social justice is a controversial topic these days but what is true social justice and can government secure it? Does the Bible ...more

Many take for granted that the Bible is a man-made book because they believe the hearsay (buzz) of the secular culture ...more

Moral relativism is the default “ethic” of our culture. It contends that reality is merely a blank canvas on which individuals ...more

The Gospel is more than the training wheels, starting blocks, or diving board for our faith. In this session you'll learn how to break ...more

Few subjects generate more passion among believers and non-believers alike than Genesis 1. Does it really matter how we understand ...more

Were you ever taught how to see the big picture of the Bible?  We're taught how to apply it but never shown how things fit together.  ...more

Because of the symbolic nature of Revelation people usually adopt an interpretation of it based more on what they've heard ...more

Most people don't realize that there is a big difference between philosophically-driven models and observational science ...more

Most people don't get their philosophy about the world from textbooks but from what they take in that captures their feelings and  ...more

Although believers are supposed to be salt and light for the world, many of us are not very good at articulating the gospel to those willing to. ...more

We're told that only flat-earthers don't buy into evolution, but why do some of the most prominent evolutionists admit that it can't work but ...more

Few topics are more controversial or prominent right now than this one. This session takes a sober, sensitive look at the formation, feelings,  ...more

There are so many different religions (‘isms) out there. Are they all saying pretty much the same thing? How can Christians prepare ...more

One of the more humorous sessions in the list. Logic is made up of the rules for how we ought to think. The biblical worldview is not only ...more

Can being “spiritual” or “religious” provide the eternal freedom humanity desires? Many people want to get to heaven (or a ...more

A great majority of heretical teachings originate from a misunderstanding or distortion of the Trinity. Is the Trinity a ...more

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